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Thursday, September 15, 2016

Taiko no Tatsujin at TGS2016

...actually not much really. Taiko no Tatsujin Dokodon Mystery Adventure (3DS3) is the main Taiko game showing on the floors this year with trial plays, with a stage event at 11:50-12:20 on September 18 at the Family Game Park (not livestreamed). Taiko no Tatsujin Plus/STH is also present with just video clips.

In the meantime, look at Taiko no Tatsujin making a cameo as a booth (2:13-2:17) at the fictional PlayStation Matsuri alongside Overwatch and Final Fantasy. This came out of the Sony PlayStation Press Conference. Thanks LefaLefa for the tip-off!

Alright I'll be looking at the Sega Booth for their new Puyo game then kthxbai